Current PhD students

Candidate PhD title Defense
Daeun Kwon Monte Carlo simulations of microdosimetry and radiolytic species production for very high dose rate preclinical H+ and He2+ ions beams using GATE and Geant4-DNA 10-2026
Jade Sutter
Thibaut Tabanou
Alpha Yaya Balde Communicating image sensors with low energy consumption, Application to the monitoring of the interaction between river dynamics and vegetation Nature Reserve of the Val d'Allier (RNVA)
Aimé Cédric Muhoza Design of an intelligent multi-sensor medical device for the detection of low mobility
Ngo Thi Thu Trang Data integration and interrogation 02-2023
Kinson Vernet 3D densitometric imaging of volcanoes using muography 10-2022
Sofia Kolovi

Modelling the radiation exposure of microorganisms living in mineral radioactive springs

Gaëtan Raymond Evaluation des performances du scanner SOMATOM Go Open Pro : Dosimétrie et qualité d'image CT pour la planification du traitement en radiothérapie. Etude multicentrique basée sur des protocoles standardisés et des simulations Monte Carlo GATE. 11-2024